Press Release
-Press release
Prolife Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
501 S. 10th St. St. Joseph, MO
On August 21, 2017 over 100,000 people are expected to come to St. Joseph Missouri to watch the Solar Eclipse. “They will see the sun disappear behind the moon, turning daylight into twilight, causing the temperature to drop rapidly and revealing massive streamers of light streaking through the sky around the silhouette of the moon.” Though spectacular, this pales in significance to the radiance of Our Catholic Faith. While in town many of these visitors will enter the Prolife Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and we hope you will come and help us Evangelize these visitors to St. Joseph.
The Catholic faithful will learn more than historic Romanesque architecture and the History of the Immaculate Conception Church when they enter the Shrine. They will learn the Catholic Faith: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Millennium old Latin Tridentine Rite, Novus Ordo Missae ad Orientem , Canon 1, Gregorian Chant, The Divine Office (Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline) and the Mystical Life of the Immaculate Virgin Mary portrayed so beautifully in the stain glass windows at the Shrine. We are going to have exhibits, films and talks on the Shroud of Turin, Eucharistic Miracles, Divine Mercy, and the 100th Anniversary of Fatima. Many souls will come to admire Our Lord Jesus Christ’s attributes so wonderfully depicted in the Sanctuary and High Altar; Our Lord’s nobility, grandeur, honor and beauty so wonderfully portrayed in the priceless artwork and stain glass windows in the Shrine. It was the faith of these holy Christians which motivated and inspired them to produce such artistic beauty of God’s Glory.
“The entire Church cannot give to God as much honor, nor obtain so many graces, as a single priest by celebrating a single Mass”-St. Cyril of Alexandria
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass does not repeat the Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary but draws us into the Divine Reality of the Sacrifice. The visible rubrics of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass elevate our minds to contemplate the Divine Mysteries. The Altar is elevated showing that the sacrificial offering is carried upward toward Heaven. The Priest ascends to the altar of Sacrifice: “Take away from us our iniquities, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that with pure minds we may enter into the Holy of Holies”